

My rates vary according to the complexity of the text involved and the amount of time it takes to complete. Generally, I charge on the number of words to be translated, calculated on the number of words in the source text. My basic fee for translation from German to English is  €0.10 per word (€30 minimum fee), although this figure is negotiable depending on complexity, format and the urgency of the deadline. I am willing to work over weekends without any increase in price. If the work is to be completed in the same or next day they would be a negotiable surcharge of up to 50%.


For proofreading, I charge approx. €20-€25 per hour. It is difficult to give a precise price because it depends again on the complexity of the text and how many amendments need to be made. Editing usually takes longer and therefore can incur a charge at the higher end of the figure given. When editing, the text will be checked for typos, spelling and grammatical errors. as well as style, consistency etc. Of course, all work is thoroughly reviewed before completion to ensure that the completed text is of the highest quality.


For transcriptions, I charge approx. €20 per hour subject to negotiation. I have professional transcription software and can provide fast and high-quality transcriptions for any English audio or video. This is calculated on a clear audio quality of one to two speakers. An hour of audio would normally cost €100-€150. The price is subject to any maximum delivery time negotiated.



Please note that the above prices do not include VAT. All customers will be invoiced for payment by bank transfer within 30 days of the completed work being returned.